The AGD Point-person is primary point-of-contact for all project communications between your organization and the ELD/ OLTSS Project Team. You are expected to disseminate information to your organization's end-users, and to seek clarification from the Project Team whenever necessary. Point-people are the designated voice of an organization; communicating with the AGD Project Team via standard protocols that maintain HIPAA-compliant information security, for all users in the organization. Organizations may wish to identify two (2) Point-people for continuity during vacations, or at other locations.
The point-person should thoroughly understand your organization's assessment process for AFC or GAFC applicants: from initial referral, collection of assessment documentation (Physician Summary Form, Request For Services, etc.), RN's onsite assessment, MDS-HC data records, and post-submission communication with Coastline Elder Services.
The Point-person must communicate with information security with regard to Personal Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Specifically, all Point-people must register their email address with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Secure Email Delivery System, and use that system when communicating with AGD Support on any topic. Do not use telephone or voice-mail to communicate with AGD Support on any issue, except by prior arrangement with a specific individual.
The Point-person is responsible for user account access administration for the organization, identifying colleagues who are potential SIMS users because of their participation in the determinations process, and communicating this information to the Project Team. Point-people will ensure that end-users set up their User Accounts correctly and are able to manage their own password resets and security questions. "Points" are also responsible for ensuring that User Accounts are terminated when necessary, and other aspects of maintaining Administrative Security to Protected Health Information (PHI) and HIPAA compliance.
The AGD Point-person trains end-users within their own organization, after train-the-trainer sessions with the Project Team. The Project Team will work to ensure that end-user training materials are effective, appropriate, clear and usable, and readily available. Point-people are expected to raise issues and identify gaps or improvements in training and other implementation materials.
Point-people are the first line of user support within their organization: to help end-users resolve password issues; perform basic troubleshooting; and incidental training to enable successful use of SAMS. If a technical issue with the application emerges, the Point-person will gather details and communicate with AGD.Support staff at ELD/OLTSS.
The role of the AGD Point-person will continue after implementation ends and the processing becomes routine, though personnel may change.
- Initial version published October 23, 2014
- Updated March, 2015: adding paragraph on information security and use of secure email.