Aging & Disability for Professionals - Serving Massachusetts Older Adults and People with Disabilities

How to send a secure email to AGD Support

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Note: These instructions work only for users whose email address is registered with SecureMail. See the instructions on how to register.

The SecureMail portal is similar in functionality to other web-based email systems such as hotmail or gmail.  A user opens a web browser, logs in and composes & sends a new message.  There is familiar attachment and CC: functionality. 

One difference:  this portal is closely associated to your email address.  The SecureMail portal does not maintain a Message List, Sent-Mail folder, or Trash folder of your previous messages.  Copies of your secure messages will be sent to your email address – you use these to gain access to your inbound and sent-mail that is sent securely by OLTSS/MassHealth staff.

Q: When should I use SecureMail to communicate with AGD Support?

A: Every time!

As an AGD Point-person, we expect that your emails to AGD Support contain Protected Information (e.g. names & other personal identifiers, PHI or PII).  Thus we take the universal precaution to require that all email communication uses secure encrypted email.

All messages to AGD Support, on any subject, must be sent securely using the process below.

Step 1: Login

SecureMail Login:

We suggest you bookmark this URL.  Login is a 2-step process.

The first login screen is displayed. Enter the email address with which you are registered. Click [Sign In].

The second login screen is displayed. Enter your password, and then click [Sign In]. Alternately, click [Forgot Your Password].

Step 2: Compose your Message

If your password is correct, the Create New Secure Message interface is displayed.


The example above shows a clear & effective issue report to AGD Support. The numbered callouts demonstrate some features of a superior issue report. Key to the callouts above:

  1. Address the email to

    Important:  do not omit "massmail".  This should be used whenever you use SecureMail to communicate with OLTSS/MassHealth staff.

  2. Indicate your Organization name in the Subject Line

  3. Make sure that your Subject Line includes a clear, concise, and specific reference to the issue topic. Don't be vague or generic.
  4. Within the body of the email, indicate the username of the person who experienced the problem. You only need to provide one or two examples, not an exhaustive list.

  5. A specific indication of when the error occurs. Here, the issue seems to be connected to the Create CAE Enrollment Workflow Task. What did the user expect to happen; what was the user trying to do?

  6. A reference to a specific consumer for whom the issue was observed. The AGD Support standard is to refer to a consumer by their SAMS ID and the consumer's initials. Note: no other Protected Information should be in the email's message text: name, address, SSN, DOB, MassHealth number, etc.

  7. Screenshots are provided to AGD Support. As with email message text, attachments or screenshots should *never* include name, address, SSN, DOB, MassHealth number. Instead, refer to a specific consumer by SAMS ID plus initials.Resolution of your issue can be delayed if key details are not provided with the initial report.


Step 3: Send Secure

Click [Send Secure] to send your secure email. The system displays a success message confirming that the secure message was sent.

Close the browser window if you're done composing secure mail.

 Step 4: You receive a copy of the secure email

A copy of your message is sent to your email account, as a sent-mail file copy.  Note that the system has updated the subject line with Secure: [Copy – SecureMail] to indicate the message was, in fact, sent securely.

You will receive a secure message, you would need to login to the SecureMail portal to see its contents. 


End Notes

A useful tool: not just for AGD Support

Point people, once registered, may use the SecureMail (aka "SFED") portal to send secure encrypted email to any OLTSS/MassHealth staff, especially when sending emails that contain protected health information (PHI) and/or personally identifiable information (PII). Make sure to use "massmail" in the recipient's email address.

Help Files & Guide to Using SecureMail

There is some useful information available in the SecureMail's Help Files (login is *not* necessary to view Help Files):

Many Names

The Mass secure email system discussed here has many names: it is formally called the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Secure Email Delivery System, and bears a logo.  Sometimes it may be called SecureMail, or even "sfed".

The bottom line: Make sure that your web browser's address bar says    


March 17, 18, 2015: slight updates.

How to send a secure email to AGD Support

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