Aging & Disability for Professionals - Serving Massachusetts Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Month: June 2015

Group 2 Providers: Communication from AGD Support 6/23/15

The following email was sent to Group 2 AFC/GAFC providers on 6/23/15.  It contains important information about the upcoming AGD training webinar, and details on required action items for all Group 2 providers.  _________________________________________________________________ You are receiving this message because you are confirmed as a Point-person for your AFC/GAFC provider organization. Please ensure that all […]

AGD 101

This page is intended to answer the most basic user support questions for AGD users, that is, SAMS users who perform AFC / GAFC Determinations. Topics Password Problem Who Can I Call or Email? How Do I …? Password Problem Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam accumsan ex eu orci tincidunt volutpat. […]

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