Responses have been rearranged to organize the chat thematically.
Clinical — completeness, unanswered questions
Caring R Us@All: When Client has no informal helpers and the cues come up with grey check marks. Are those considered complete even though it does not reflect in the final percent completed?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: to Caring R US == it will be rare that anyone gets to 100% responses, make sure your responses make sense from a clinical point of view, with respect to informal helpers or other questions.
Viewer 25@All: Question about MDS assessment == should "NONE OF THE ABOVE" always be checked even if there was a "yes" answer?
Viewer 25@All: Please there is a "none of the above" question above.
Viewer 1@All: If you do not answer NONE OF THE ABOVE, then it is marked as an unanswered question. This is acceptable?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 25== if you are answering YES, in a set of questions, then you should not also be answering NONE OF THE ABOVE.
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: YES, viewer 1
Viewer 25@All: Section J-Disease diagnoses when we get to the last question "NONE OF THE ABOVE" there is only 1 box to check and it's only "Yes"
Viewer 25@All: The none of the above does not give you another option; you can click yes or leave it blank
Viewer 25@All: ok
Viewer 8@All: Why does MDS asks to enter client's weight and height without measuring units and VS when info is readily available in PSF?
Comfort@All: Do we have to add the weight and the height? Or is it optional?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 8 : Our MDS requests the weight & height, even though the info is on the PSF, so that this info is available as data in the system.
Workflow Triggers
Viewer 1@All: I have noticed that the workflow triggers are not in order of the process. Will this be updated?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Workflow tasks may be done in any order, with one exception. Always make sure that you create the Activity & Referral last of all, after you are sure that all of your submission materials have been clinically reviewed by the RN. As soon as you save the A&R with the correct type & status, your submission is visible to Coastline.
Search, SSN, edits
Viewer 1@All: Our search field is not working…is there a setting/default that needs to be changed?
Viewer 1@All: I am not an ASAP user
Viewer 1@All: It does not show any results when all fields including SSN and DOB are filled out
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 1: please review User Guide, and then send a support email with screenshots.
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 1 == no result after entering DOB & SSN…. Is this s consumer you *know* is in the database, or believe to be in the database…?
Viewer 1@All: A consumer that we already entered does not show either (including the search field and "Not started" widget)
Viewer 8@All: New client information was being entered; however when we put in client's SSN number, system said SSN was already on file but then it didn't display any basic information. Why did that happen?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: There is likely to be another consumer in the database with the same SSN, but a different or blank date-of-birth. We will be updating the User Guide with this scenario very soon. If this happens, notify AGD Support as soon as possible and provide the consumer ID & corrected info. We will investigate & resolve.
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 8 – PCP question. Can you send AGD Support a secure email and provide specific client ID, and the problem statement. I will investigate
Viewer 1@All: How do you fix a spelling error to a consumer's name that has already been entered (a letter is missing)?
Agency & Provider tags
Viewer 15@All: I am an ASAP Provider. On page 5 of the USRE Guide-Default Settings, it says to set the Agency as Coastline, and the Provider as my agency. Am I correct that ASAPs do the opposite?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 15 : regarding A&P: all the A&P settings have changed for ASAPs from the old process. ASAPs may continue their old settings, but from a support perspective we prefer that Coastline is always AGENCY and you are PROVIDER/
Viewer 11@All: Coastline is filtering all reports as Coastline as the agency not provider so if we are listed as provider we may miss those referrals.
Viewer 11@All: view 11 is Coastline
Viewer 8@All: When recording medications in MDS, it is impossible to write ranges as in 1-2 tabs or scheme as in Coumadin M Tue Wed 3mg and 4mg Thursday Fri Sat and Sun for example. Medications graph is not flexible at all. Can Medication be just typed in instead in order to be transcribed accurately? I understand that it may be challenging from IT perspective but as a nurse who enters this data, it is not very friendly. Thank you
Viewer 8@All: Medication order is written in one prescription and creating multiple orders for one prescription is not what is usually done. How would you enter a Prednisone taper order as 10 different orders?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 8 – The Meds question is not well-loved. Each separate order must be entered on a separate line.
Continue service after refusal
Caring R Us@All: How far back can you continue service with a client for ex admission was done few months back after admission client refused service after one day of service , now client called and want service back how do we go about taking client back
Caring R Us@All: i know we cannot take client from group home however a group home called and want to refer a client for transfer can we take this client?
Viewer 8@All: When we have a client who received services before and whose PCP info is in basic information, it is impossible to change PCP info when client changes PCP. Can you work on making this possible and when? Thank you
Widgets, Saved Searches, etc.
Viewer 15@All: I am an ASAP User- My Dashboard keeps getting reconfigured by other users. Is everyone having this same problem?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 15 == you may need to create your own Saved Searches that other users cannot see/modify.
Caring R Us@All: client wasn't discharge
Wrong File Attachment
Viewer 25@All: Workflow Tasks==If a wrong document is uploaded ie; RFS, and task completed, how do you go about correcting the mistake?
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 25: wrong document uploaded. You cannot delete a File Attachment. Instead, upload the corrected document. Make sure all your communications with Coastline refer to the specific document that should be considered by Coastline.
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: If the document refers to a different consumer, please send a secure email to AGD Support email that identifies the consumer and the incorrect Attachment, and request that the File Attachment is deleted by an Administrator.
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Viewer 1: have you checked your consumer list?
Viewer 16@All: Andy & Jim – this is Michelle from Seven Hills I am still experiencing the same problem unable to add new consumer states I need to have at least one care program, which is checked. Please send secure email sent to AGD support with screen shots & specific problem
Viewer 16@All: thank you
Printout of Notification
Viewer 21@All: Can you please help us understand how to print out a Coastline approval? Thank you.
Jim O (AGD Support) @ All: Andy demoed this in webinar. Coastline will attach the notification as a File Attachment of a scanned, signed document, just like the 2 or 3 File Attachments you provide an the front-side of the process. Navigate to the File Assessment list for your consumer. Open the desired Attachment. It will open into a PDF browser window. Identify the Print functionality: usually Ctrl-P brings up the print functions.
Viewer 21@All: I'm sorry but did I miss your answer of how to print the Coastline determination?
Caring R Us@All: Will the scroll speed ever get quicker?
Caring R Us@All: yes during assessment. very slow!
Caring R Us@All: Thank You
Comfort@All: Thank you
Viewer 25@All: Tx..
Attendees [put attendees at the end of document]
Last names redacted.
Viewer 16@All: Michelle from Seven hIlls
Viewer 9@All: Annette, Northeast Arc
Viewer 8@All: Absolute Care, Inc
Viewer 6@All: GVNA HealthCare, Inc.
Viewer 15@All: Colleen W, Boston Senior Home Care
Andy G (AGD Support) @All: Hi we will being in just a moment….
Andy G (AGD Support) @All: begin that is!
Viewer 5@All: Janice G- CRC
Viewer 9@All: Good morning Andy
Viewer 11@All: Ana H and Cindy H., Coastline
Viewer 1@All: Sarah R, RN South Shore Support Services
Viewer 7@All: Colleen P, RN with Nizhoni Community Care
Jim O (AGD Support)@All: hi everyone
Viewer 21@All: Linda A & Lynne C of Options
Viewer 17@All: MetroCare – Olga, Silvia, Bill
Viewer 23@All: Jennifer C w/ The Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport is here
Viewer 25@All: Pascale RN AFC Of The North Shore
Comfort@All: Gerty and Comfort