Aging & Disability for Professionals - Serving Massachusetts Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Chat Transcript, January 6, 2015

This chat transcript is primarily a real-time document from the webinar. This discussion was re-organized by theme; and some responses were clarified by AGD Support staff after the webinar’s conclusion.

User Accounts

Viewer 17: I haven't gotten a response to my request for an additional username and password

Viewer 17: GWArc

AGD.Support: We have been short-staffed over the holidays, and covering some staff on leave, sorry. Your point-person should send an email to AGD.Support @, with a reminder.  Plea

AGD User Guide

Viewer 36: what is the latest version of user guide?

AGD.Support: latest User Guide is always available at

Viewer 24: On page 18 and 22 of the User Guide dated 12//12/14 still has Agency being Coastline and Agency being an ASAP name, under the MDS instructions.

Viewer 24: Sorry I meant Provider to be ASAP…

Outside Training

Viewer 37: What do we need to bring to the training in Framingham tomorrow? Do we need laptops?

Viewer 21: There is no training in Framingham tomorrow. It was rescheduled to January 14. Please contact lprince @ for more information.

Viewer 4: we were told that there is a scheduled training for the SAMS by the AFC counsel

GVNA Healthcare: Someone just mentioned a training in Framingham that was rescheduled to Jan. 14

Viewer 16: Instead of spending so much time on individual questions; why not actually review or conduct a practice application. Thank you.

Viewer 4: hopefully someone from the AGC support team is conducting this training

Viewer 4: we were under the assumption it was thru the AGD support team

AGD.Support: Andy & Jim from  AGD.Support expect to be present at upcoming training in Framingham.

Viewer 37: Thank you – glad I asked, I don't know how I missed that information

GVNA Healthcare: Can the information on the training be sent out again as we did not receive the information at GVNA HealthCare.

Data Details

R-H: What do we enter for care program

AGD.Support: the link above is the AGD-specific User Guide, with all info very specific to our project. There is also a more general SAMS User Guide published by Harmony. The Harmony User Guide is available on the Harmony Portal page after a user logs in.

Process for SCO members

Viewer 32: what if we aren't using coastline for approval such as dually enrolled SCO consumers? Would the agency be the SCO ASAP?

Viewer 32: if someone is already enrolled in SCO and wants to enroll in GAFC, we go through the SCO for approval since they are the payment source not coastline

AGD.Support: Viewer 32, can you provide more information on the scenario.

Viewer 32: Boston Senior Home Care

Viewer 32: but if someone is already enrolled in SCO prior to enrolling in GAFC, we were instructed by Coastline to not go through them for approval.

Viewer 4: This SAMS process is only for Coastline.

Viewer 8: Approval comes from the SCO, doesn't it?

Viewer 4: The SCO's have their own approval process you will need to call the SCO to determine how they approval

Viewer 4: Usually there is a contact person attached to the SCO and you would contact that person and get approval from them not coastline

Viewer 4: But we do not go thru coastline

Viewer 4: we go thru the SCO and do not use SAMS

Viewer 32: I was told to use the ASAP SCO in place of coastline in SAMS

Viewer 18: We get the approval from the SCO not Mass Health

Viewer 4: We do not go thru coastline we go thru the SCO we do not do the same procedure as if they were going to Coastline SAMS is not used for the SCO's

Viewer 16: MetroCare

Viewer 8: Yes, please, step-by- step would be good. As you do an application, we can ask the questions that the guide doesn't answer.

Viewer 4: that was why the council was setting up a training

Viewer 8: Do that, change it.

AGD.Support: We will be updating the AGD User Guide within one week with updates & guidance on processing AFC/GAFC initial Determinations for consumers who are actively enrolled in a SCO program, in a One Care plan, or in PACE. In short, most consumers in those categories should *not* be processed through the AGD process for an Initial Determination.

Get the User Guide

R-H: where are the step by step instructions to be found???????

AGD.Support: R-H: Step-by-step instructions are in the AGD User Guide is available at (permanent link). See p. 14

R-H: Thanks

Viewer 36: do we set up the dashboards or are the already developed and part of the program?

Video Training

Viewer 41: Do you need special software to listen to the AGD Step by Step Presentation. I have tried to open and download but it will not open?

Viewer 41: I have the narration but it will not open so I can listen to it

AGD.Support: the step-by-step narrated video is available on the AGD Support blog at direct link This is a .WEBM file, and you ay need to identify a video player for your web browser to play it. We will update this web post with more information on playing this video

Viewer 19@You: Thank you.

Viewer 18: We were able to listen to it yesterday

Viewer 41: It says that because it has the extension of (.Webm) will not recognize it

Viewer 46: i have had a problem with the recording before, yes. got 2/3 through it and it stopped. i had to restart it and then could not skip ahead to where i left off and had to listen to the entire thing.

Viewer 19: You may need to download VLC or other media software to view and listen as we did.

Security: View of Consumer Data

Viewer 40: Can the director go into his/her information and see all the submissions by their agency nurses and see where they are in the system?

Viewer 40: can all the people in our agency see all the other submissions from other people in our agency?

AGD.Support: Viewer 40 — the security is that all users at an organization can see all consumers & their determination materials (assessments, attachments, enrollment, and Activity & Referral, etc.). Users at one organization cannot see any consumer materials related to another organization's consumer. 

R-H: Does that mean that our point person, can help us from another location to determine what we need to do to complete the process?

AGD.Support: Yes, all users at the same organization can see the same set of consumers.  However, please note that workflow tasks only stay with the user who saved the MDS with the trigger data elements in place.  If there are two (2) users who will be completing workflow tasks, then both must save the MDS assessment with the triggering data elements.

Viewer 32: so would the agency be the SCO ASAP?

Schedule & Go-live

Viewer 19: Has a timeframe for Go Live been determined?

AGD.Support: Viewer19, we have not yet identified a go-live date, but hope that it can be scheduled by end-of-January. We are waiting on Harmony Development.


Last names have been redacted.

Viewer 10: WestMass ElderCare

Viewer 4: Michelle Seven Hills

R-H: rh @ CEI

Viewer 1: CaringRUs

Viewer 15: Tri-Valley

Viewer 8: Annette P, Northeast Arc

Viewer 13: GWArc Marisol

Viewer 17: axel gwarc

Viewer 20: Kathleen H, Family Service Assn

Viewer 18: Jean J Prg Mgr – BSHC

Viewer 18: Colleen W, RN- BSHC

Viewer 3: Jeanne C, HMEA

Viewer 28: Linda A and Lynne C from CPMA Options Program

Viewer 21: Lisa P, Tri-Valley

Viewer 30: Catherine & Brian @ IHHS

AGD.Support: hello folks, Happy New Year!

Viewer 24: Jane L, GAFC RN, Boston Senior Home Care

Viewer 8: Happy New Year, Jim!

Viewer 19: NB FSA

Viewer 31: Royale

Viewer 33: Meredith C, ESMV

Viewer 32: Carolyn O, PM GAFC, Boston Senior Home Care

Viewer 36: The Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport

Viewer 9: Amy S: Family Services Association

Viewer 23: Nonotuck

Viewer 40: Pat C, Cardinal Cushing Center

Viewer 37: Mimi M, Arc of GP

Viewer 8: The beeps are obliterating your voices.

Viewer 26: Jennifer B, Family Services

Viewer 41: Rb

Viewer 19: Susanne F, Family Services Association

Viewer 44: Tolayuth O, Accucare Inc

Viewer 46: Amy W, Community Enterprises

Chat Transcript, January 6, 2015
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