Aging & Disability for Professionals - Serving Massachusetts Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Help! My Dashboards Are Blank

On Apr 15, 2015, an AGD point-person wrote:


The Dashboard is blank, no information is showing on "Not started, "waiting, In progress, and "complete"

Coastline confirmed 2 consumers approved but not showing up anywhere on the dashboard.

Currently submitted 3 consumers.

The consumers are:

<SNIP!>The Dashboards are intended as a convenience only and not an obstacle. Become familiar with the data that comprises an Initial Determination request so that you are confident that Coastline processes your materials as swiftly & efficiently as possible.

Check the [Activities] or [Consumers] tabs.

Activities: "Wide View"

The [Activities] tab shows a list of all Activities & Referrals, for all consumers in your view.


Note this screen will show completed A&Rs as well as those that may be incorrectly tagged. When you open an A&R from this screen, click the consumer's name link to see the full consumer record.

Consumer List

The [Consumers] tab shows a list of all consumers in your view.  Anyone for whom you have ever saved an assessment will display here. 


SAMS Grids: Filter, Sort, Export

Both the [Activities] and [Consumers] lists are standard SAMS grids that may be sorted, rearranged by column order, and filtered in various ways, or exported to a spreadsheet.

Click on a column header to sort your list by that field.  Click on it a second time to sort in the other direction.

This screenshot shows the Activities List sorted by Last-Updated, with most recent at the top.


Click [Export Grid] to get a spreadsheet containing your SAMS grid.


The exported grid is saved as a .CSV file – usually opened by Excel.



Help! My Dashboards Are Blank
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