When Coastline has completed an Initial Determination and set the status of the Activity & Referral to complete, they attach a document scan of the Eligibility Notification. You can view the scanned notice as follows:
Step 1: Open the consumer record.
There are several ways to view a consumer record: you may view an Activity & Referral from a dashboard widget, or from the list of all Activities. You can also use the Consumer List to open and view a consumer record. These various ways are described in steps 1a through 1d.
Step 1a: From [My Dashboard]
Each of the AGD Dashboard widgets is a list of Activities & Referrals.
Step 1b: From [Activities]
You can also display a list of *all* Activities in view of your organization. This would include any A&Rs your users have created, of any status. This list may include A&Rs that are invalid, withdrawn, or otherwise invisible to Coastline.
Step 1c: From the Activity & Referral
After viewing a list of Activities & Referrals from a Dashboard widget (1a) or the list of all Activities & Referrals (step 1b), the A&R is displayed.
Click the link on the Consumer's name.
Step 1d: From the Consumer list
The Consumer list includes all consumers for whom you have ever created an Assessment. The list may include consumers without A&Rs yet, i.e. incomplete determinations not yet submitted to Coastline, or historical consumers, whose Initial Determinations were completed long ago.
This is a standard SAMS grid that may eventually span many pages. You may sort or filter this list. It can also be exported to Excel as a CSV file.
Note: Some providers may see additional consumers in this list, but all of them are explicitly related to your organization in some way: by an Assessment, Activity & Referral, Service Order, or Service Delivery.
Double-click the desired consumer’s record.
Step 2: View the Consumer record
After clicking the linked name in an Activity & Referral, or after double-clicking a consumer from the Consumer List, the consumer record is displayed.
Usually, the consumer record opens to the Details section.
Step 3: View the consumer's File Attachments
If the Determination is complete, you will see the 2 or 3 File Attachments you added at the beginning of the process, as well as the scanned Eligibility Notification uploaded by Coastline. This history will always be available to you through SAMS.
Exactly how the File Attachment is opened depends on the user's browser configuration. You may be prompted explicitly to open the PDF, or it may open directly into a browser tab.
Step 4: View the Attachment
To print, use the print functionality of your browser or helper application.