Aging & Disability for Professionals - Serving Massachusetts Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Change to Process for Workflow-based File Attachment

The steps that follow describe the AFC/GAFC provider's Workflow Tasks for attaching files to a consumer record in SAMS.

Note that only the workflow tasks for File Attachment are changed as of July 30 (this is either 2 or 3 tasks, depending on whether AFC or GAFC).  The workflow tasks for [Create Enrollment] and [Create Activity & Referral] are unchanged.

In the write-up below, changes from the previous process are highlighted in yellow.

Steps to complete a Workflow Task for File Attachment

  1. Provider completes the MDS-HC assessment, which triggers a set of workflow tasks. A message appears that the AFC or GAFC workflow has been initiated. Also, a red indicator appears on the left-hand edge of the screen, indicating the number of unfinished workflow tasks remaining for the user.

  2. The workflow tasks are made visible by clicking on or hovering over the tab on the left side of the SAMS screen.

  3. The user clicks a task related to a file attachment.

    Tip: If the user clicks the blue “pin” icon on the upper right, the workflow tasks window will stay open on the screen. 

  4. A message appears alerting the user to attach the file indicated. The user selects one of 3 options available – Mark Completed, Mark in Progress, or Do it Later.

    In this scenario, Mark In Progress is the appropriate selection.

    The system displays the consumer record screen.

  5. Click on the [File Attachments] section.

  6. Then click on [Add New].

  7. The system displays the file attachment dialog already familiar to AGD users. 

    However, the user will select the [folder named for their organization] from the Folder drop down menu. 

  8. The user enters the free-text description, clicks on to locate and upload the appropriate file stored on their computer, and clicks [Save and Close].      

  9. The user then selects the completed task from the workflow task window once again. Note that the status of the workflow task is still marked as In Progress.

  10. The user clicks on the [Mark Completed] button.

<end workflow task for File Attachment>.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

The user repeats this process for the next attachment, and all attachments that are required to complete the submission.


Change to Process for Workflow-based File Attachment

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